Bloggy Giveaways are back and I'm so excited about winning some free stuff. Go
here to see the hundreds of giveaways. Here are the rules: The Giveaways last from Monday, Oct. 27th to midnight on the 31st. Each Giveaway offers totally free items and shipping is free. The list will be updated very frequently as bloggers pop in and add their giveaway to the list, so check back often. Remember, you don't have to be a blogger to win.
Please be sure to read each blogger's requirements for how to be entered in their random drawing. Although each giveaway is certainly for a free item, each blogger's instructions may vary slightly. Pay attention!
For my Giveaway just leave a comment on this posting with your name and a way I can reach you (e-mail, blog etc) and I'll let you know on Saturday if you've won (my trusty assistant, J.T. age 2, will draw your name out of a bag).
This time around I'm doing TWO drawings/giveaways (that means TWO winners) so please check out my other post to see all the great stuff I'm giving away. But for this drawing you are entering to win a
Set of 10 Personalized Calling Cards for Christmas (these are used a lot in the South but for those of you who are thinking "what is that?": you attach these to gifts you give to people so that they know it's from you-that way you save money on buying a card and they can easily keep track of who got them what!)

These will basically be the design, but I'll change the name on them obviously. :)

*For an extra chance at winning (I'll put your name in the hat twice) add my Toddler Tailoring button to your blog/website. Just let me know that you did in your 2nd comment and tell me the site address.
I love Bloggy Giveaways for 2 reasons: Free stuff (who doesn't love that?!) and more traffic for my business.
I'm building up my Christmas inventory right now, so please scroll down my site or look around my etsy store to see what I've got in the works.
Thanks and good luck!