Bloggy Giveaways are back and I'm so excited about winning some free stuff. Go here to see the hundreds of giveaways. Here are the rules: The Giveaways last from Monday, Oct. 27th to midnight on the 31st. Each Giveaway offers totally free items and shipping is free. The list will be updated very frequently as bloggers pop in and add their giveaway to the list, so check back often. Remember, you don't have to be a blogger to win.
Please be sure to read each blogger's requirements for how to be entered in their random drawing. Although each giveaway is certainly for a free item, each blogger's instructions may vary slightly. Pay attention!
For my Giveaway just leave a comment on this posting with your name and a way I can reach you (e-mail, blog etc) and I'll let you know on Saturday if you've won (my wonderful assistant, J.T. age 2, will be drawing your name out of a bag).
This time around I'm doing TWO drawings/giveaways (that means TWO winners) so please check out my other post to see all the great things I'm giving away. For this post I'm giving away a Bib and Burp Cloth set from my etsy store. Go to my shop and tell me which set you like, then come back here and leave a comment telling me the set you like and your e-mail, website, blog or way I can reach you.

*For an extra chance at winning (I'll put your name in the hat twice) add my Toddler Tailoring button to your blog/website. Just let me know that you did in your 2nd comment and tell me the site address.
I love Bloggy Giveaways for 2 reasons: Free stuff (who doesn't love that?!) and more traffic for my business.
I'm building up my Christmas inventory right now, so please scroll down my site or look around my etsy store to see what I've got in the works.
Thanks and good luck!
I think the fabric choices in the sassy bibs are great. They remind me of summer and good times outside running around the yard. :)
the retro bib set is my fav. great stuff ya got here!
I like the retro set best - cute items!
I liked the retro set. I could use some new bibs for our next baby.
I like the Christmas Bib set!
I absolutley love hawaiian print!!
however that carrot bubble is to die for!! haha!!
so cute. you are very handy!!
Iam a foster mom so i will be having little girls and boys...
Wow such great fabric designs! Thanks for the give-a-way!
I love the retro bib and burb cloth. My Lucy would look so stylish! Thanks for the chance to win!
(My e-mail: admin (at) mymommysplace.com)
Oh ME ME! Pick me!
The winter pillow case dress is very sweet! Love all the different patterns of your work.
Love the retro set, everything is great!
You have great talent! I love homemade items for my daughter. They are so special!
I would love the Christmas bib and burp cloth.
I love the retro set! Cute stuff. thanks!
cross_home2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com
the retro set is awesome!
The retro set is beautiful. I also really like the floral. Purples and blues are so pretty.
The christmas dress with the bow and the winter pillowcase dress are adorable too.
I like the retro bib and burp cloth.
I liked all your sets- but i think i'd choose the floral one shown b/c i have a girl on the way
I love the retro set!
mommy koala at live dot com
wow how nice any one will do i love to try and win this for my friend shes haveing her frist and its a girl
Love that your daughter is pulling names...my son would eat them :)
The retro bib set is cool
I don't know gender yet, but I love the retro bib set the best. :o) Very cute.
i love the retro set.
I love the christmas penguins and the retro! Cute items!!
I love the christmas penguins set! Thanks for the giveaway. utgal2004 at yahoo dot com
I like the blue polkadots. Simple and cute!
I like the Christmas Bib and Burp Cloth set!
That retro bib is darling! Great fabric!!
I love the pink gingham bib and burp cloth! Such a cute idea! Thanks!
i like the Christmas bib and burp cloth. dang cute!
thanks for the giveaway!
Love the retro bib and burp cloth!
I like the pink gingham set. Great job!
I love the Retro Bib set and the Christmas bib set equally ;)
You do good work!
I love the retro bib and burp cloth! You've got a nice shop!
hi, i like the floral set best. :) cute clothes!!
i like the christmas bib and burp cloth, guess the spirit of the season is getting to me
I liked the Christmas penguins.
i love the blue polka dot...and the retro, but the dots wins out.
I like the retro bib and burp cloths
I like the pink gingham set, though the christmas penguins are adorable.
retro bibs are cute would love to win...looks great, please enter me...mrs.mommyyatgmail.com
The pink graham set. Thanks for a chance.
I love the Retro bib and burp cloth.
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
The blue polka dot set is my favorite.
How really nice these look. I really like the Retro fabric best. Thanks for the great giveaway. ecghick@yahoo.com
The retro bib set is my favorite. I have a friend who is in love with retro modern and expecting soon..she'd love this!
modestmilk at gmail dot com
I love the retro set - very cute!
jana_mccraine (at) hotmail (dot) com
The Christmas set is super cute! Though I think I'd like to win the retro set.
The retro bib & burp cloth is my favorite :-)
christmasinmarch {at} gmail {dot} com
Retro bib and burp cloth are adorable. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.
I love the Christmas Penguins one! Cute!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
I like the Retro set -- also the penguins are so cute!
shaunjoy (at) juno (dot) com
I like the Retro set!
I like the Christmas Penguins. CUTE!
I love the Retro bib and burp cloth.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
I like the Christmas penguins the best. Thanks for the giveaway. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com
My favorite has to be the retro bib set. so cute!
Oh I love the Christmas penguins. Please enter me.
I really like the retro, but I would pick Christmas bib and burp cloth for my nephews first christmas.
The retro set is really cute! (My favorite thing in the whole store is the two sassy bibs. Absolutely adorable!)
I really like the Blue polka dot bib and burp cloth set!
I really like the Christmas penguins set. I also like the retro.
I LOVE the retro bib and burp cloth - so cute! My youngest is 2 months and is a spitter! :)
alainamj AT yahoo DOT com
I would love the christmas penguins for a new mom cousin of mine :)
raspberrykitty at aol dot com
The pink gingham is so sweet - my sister just found out she's having a baby girl and she would love these cute items for her little one!
I'd be happy to put your button on my blog, but I'm unsure how to get the code. Sorry!
I love the Retro set!
Thank you for the great giveaway!
kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would pick the Retro Bib and Burp cloth. Too cute!
I really like that carrot fabric on the bubble suit, too!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
I love the Christmas Penguins! Thank you for entering me!
I like the Retro bib and burp cloth Thanks for the giveaway
The Christmas Penguins Set is adorable!
I love the retro set the best. Thanks for the giveaway!
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! :)
I like the retro style! I would love to win! Thanks!
the retro bib is great!
daniwilliams30 AT gmail DOT com
Another vote here for the retro set. My nephew would look cute in these! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the Christmas set!
I love the retro set!!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
The christmas dress is adorable!! I wish my little girl was small enough for that!
I love the blue dot set! Thanks for the giveaway!
i like the Christmas Penguins bib and burp cloth set. It's baby's first Christmas. this would be a cute bib to wear all season.
(email in profile)
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